Racism in Language: The Origins of “Black” People

After having read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, I participated in a Socratic discussion on the mimesis (the manifestation of societal or real-world perspectives in art) of racism in the novel. This got me thinking: certain words in different languages have inherently racist, exclusionary, or derogatory meanings or undertones. Let’s consider the word, “black.” It… Read More Racism in Language: The Origins of “Black” People


Hello! My name is Patrick. I’ll be a new writer here at The World Speaks! so I thought I should post an introduction of sorts. I’m 18 and currently a high school senior from Central New York. Next year I will be going to New York University’s College of Arts and Science, and I’m planning… Read More Introduction

The Right to Struggle and a Starter’s Kit for Language Protection

Recently, I had someone say to me, “Language is dynamic. To hold on to the past is simply being stubborn.” The conversation was about the pronunciation of various loanwords in English, but it brought up a completely different topic in my mind. There are many people in the world who think that working to promote a minority… Read More The Right to Struggle and a Starter’s Kit for Language Protection